The pollen spectrum of trees and shrubs in SW Spain (1987–1996)

TitleThe pollen spectrum of trees and shrubs in SW Spain (1987–1996)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsMinero, F. Jose Gonza, Candau P., Morales J., & Tomas C.
Pagination114 - 120
Date Published1998///
Keywordsairborne pollen, Olive pollination, pollen concentrations (voyant), Pollen spectrum

A Cour trap was used to sample the air of Seville of continuously from 1987 to 1996. The most important climatological feature recorded during that period was the drought that began in 1990 and which was at its most severe in the first half of 1995. The behaviour of a total of 20 pollen types was studied: those exceeding 0.01% of the total pollen collected during the ten?year period. These were Quercus, Olea Cupressaceae, Platanus Myrtaceae, Pinaceae, Palmae, Moraceae, Fraxinus Ericaceae, Citrus, Pistacia, Acer, Casuarina Salicaceae, Ulmus, Alnus, Castanea Cistaceae, and Viburnum. The following aspects are described and analysed: the spectrum of tree and shrub types identified in the air, and their possible significance for allergies; the relationship between the woody vegetation of the region and the composition of the pollen spectrum in quantitative terms; and the possible effect of the drought on annual variations total pollen concentrations. A detailed study of olive pollen, aimed at finding applications in allergy and agriculture is also given. In particular, the possibility of forecasting both the date of olive pollination from observations of preceding mean temperatures, and the size of the crop from palynological and agronomical data.