Diurnal fluctuations of secondary photooxidants in air and of detoxification systems in the foliage of Mediterranean forest trees

TitleDiurnal fluctuations of secondary photooxidants in air and of detoxification systems in the foliage of Mediterranean forest trees
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsJunkermann, W., & Polle A.
JournalAtmospheric Environment
Pagination61 - 65
Date Published1997///
Keywordsantioxidant protection, organic peroxides, peroxidase activity

s-phase peroxide mixing ratios were measured in the canopy area of a Mediterranean oak/pine fo.rest. Concurrently the activities of cell wall localized peroxidases, which protect leaves from external oxidants, were investigated. The diurnal cycles of peroxidase activity showed a strong decrease when the gas-phase concentration of highly phytotoxic hydroxy hydroperoxides increased. These results suggest that ambient gas-phase mixing ratios of organic peroxides may injure the plants’ oxidative defence system
