Research Publications
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Effects of fire frequency on plant communities and landscape pattern in the Massif des Aspres (southern France).
Landscape Ecology. 11, 215-224.
(1996). Chlorophyll fluorescence as a tool for management of plant resources.
Remote Sensing of Environment. 47, 2-9.
(1994). Seasonal courses of photosynthetic activity and sublethal temperature tolerance of Quercus ilex leaves.
Forest Ecology and Management. 61, 339-348.
(1993). Effets de températures sub-létales sur l'appareil photosynthétique du chêne vert (Quercus ilex L).
Ann. For. Sci.. 49, 637-649.
Evolution après incendie de la structure de quelques phytocénoses méditerranéennes du Bas-Languedoc (Sud de la France).
Ann. For. Sci.. 40, 177-196.