Research Publications
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Genetic diversity assessment and estimation of phylogenetic relationships among 26 Fagaceae species using ISSRs.
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. 54, 247-256.
(2014). Genetic patterns, host use and larval morphology in Tunisian populations of Orgyia trigotephras.
(2014). Grass – woodland transitions : determinants and consequences for ecosystem functioning and provisioning of services.
Journal of Ecology. 102, 1357-1362.
(2014). Growth performance, carcass and meat quality of lambs supplemented with increasing levels of a tanniferous bush (Cistus ladanifer L.) and vegetable oils..
Meat science. 100C, 275-282.
(2014). A highly spatially resolved GIS-based model to assess the isoprenoid emissions from key Italian ecosystems.
Atmospheric Environment.
(2014). Histopathology of infection and colonization of Quercus ilex fine roots by Phytophthora cinnamomi.
Plant Pathology. n/a-n/a.
(2014). Holocene dynamics of tree taxa populations in Italy.
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology.
(2014). How drought severity constrains GPP and its partitioning among carbon pools in a Quercus ilex coppice?.
Biogeosciences Discuss.. 11, 8673-8711.
(2014). Humus forms in a Mediterranean area (Castelporziano Reserve, Rome, Italy): classification, functioning and organic carbon storage.
GeodermaGeoderma. 235-236, 90-99.
(2014). Hypogeous fungi in Mediterranean maquis, arid and semi-arid forests.
Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology. 1-10.
(2014). Improving the quality of protein identification in non-model species. Characterization of Quercus ilex seed and Pinus radiata needle proteomes by using SEQUEST and custom databases.
Journal of Proteomics.
(2014). Influence of land use on soil quality and stratification ratios under agro-silvo-pastoral Mediterranean management systems.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 183, 86-92.
(2014). Influence of temperature on germination of Quercus ilex in Phytophthora cinnamomi , P. gonapodyides, P. quercina and P. psychrophila infested soils.
(Belbahri, L., Ed.).Forest Pathology. n/a-n/a.
(2014). Influence of tree cover on herbaceous layer development and carbon and water fluxes in a Portuguese cork-oak woodland.
Acta Oecologica. 59, 35-45.
(2014). Inocybe aureocitrina (Inocybaceae), a new species of section Rimosae from Mediterranean evergreen oak forests.
Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology. 1-7.
(2014). Insight into the photosynthetic apparatus in evergreen and deciduous European oaks during autumn senescence using OJIP fluorescence transient analysis.
Plant Biology. 16, 801-808.
(2014). Interactions between larvae of the threatened saproxylic beetle Osmoderma eremita and other flower chafers in Mediterranean woodlands: implications for conservation.
Insect Conservation and Diversity. n/a--n/a.
(2014). International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation Detecting leaf-water content in Mediterranean trees using high-resolution spectrometry.
International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and GeoinformationInternational Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation. 27, 128-136.
(2014). International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation Detecting leaf-water content in Mediterranean trees using high-resolution spectrometry.
International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation. 27, 128 - 136.
(2014). Laboratory and field measurements of enantiomeric monoterpene emissions as a function of chemotype, light and temperature.
BIOGEOSCIENCES. 11, 1435-1447.
(2014). The Late Holocene in the western Pyrenees: A critical review of the current situation of palaeopalynological research.
Quaternary International.
(2014). Light transmissivity of tube shelters affects root growth and biomass allocation of Quercus ilex L. and Pinus halepensis Mill.
(2014). Lightweight screed containing cork granules: mechanical and hygrothermal characterization.
Cement and Concrete Composites.
(2014). Long-term changes in soil aggregation comparing forest and agricultural land use in different Mediterranean soil types.
Geoderma. 235-236, 290-299.
(2014). Macrofungi in Mediterranean maquis along seashore and altitudinal transects.
Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology.
(2014). Mediterranean Quercus suber wooded grasslands risk disappearance: New evidences from Sardinia (Italy).
Forest Ecology and Management. 329, 148-157.
(2014). Mid-Holocene vegetation dynamics in the Tejo River estuary based on palaeobotanical records from Ponta da Passadeira (Barreiro-Setúbal, Portugal).
Boreas. n/a--n/a.
(2014). miRNA profiling in leaf and cork tissues of Quercus suber reveals novel miRNAs and tissue-specific expression patterns.
(2014). A model-based integrated assessment of land degradation by water erosion in a valuable Spanish rangeland.
Environmental Modelling & Software. 55, 201-213.