Composition and chemical variability of the triterpene fraction of dichloromethane extracts of cork (Quercus suber L.)

TitleComposition and chemical variability of the triterpene fraction of dichloromethane extracts of cork (Quercus suber L.)
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsCastola, V., Bighelli A., Rezzi S., Melloni G., Gladiali S., Desjobert J-M., & Casanova J.
JournalIndustrial Crops and Products
Pagination15 - 22
Date Published2002///
ISBN Number3349552412
Keywords13C NMR, Chemical variability, Chemometric analysis, Cork, extracts

Dichloromethane extracts were prepared from 38 samples of cork harvested in different locations of Corsica and Sardinia from individual trees of Quercus suber L. Friedelin, 3--hydroxyfriedelan-2-one, betulin, betulinic acid, -sitosterol and sitost-4-en-3-one were identified and their molar percentages were calculated by 13 C NMR spectroscopy, following a procedure recently developed by our group. The results were submitted to chemometric analysis (k-means and principal component analysis), which allowed three groups to be distinguished with respect to the content of friedelin, betulinic acid and 3--hydroxyfriedelan-2-one.