Influence of different post-planting treatments on the development in Holm oak afforestation

TitleInfluence of different post-planting treatments on the development in Holm oak afforestation
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsJiménez, M. N., Fernández-Ondoño E., Ripoll M. A., Navarro F. B., Gallego E., De Simón E., Lallena a. M., Simón E., & Lallena a. M.
Keywordsá, á semi-arid, Afforestation, afforestation á post-planting treatments, Holm oak, holm oak á nutrients, Nutrients, Post-planting treatments, semi-arid

This work examines the influence of different post-planting treatments in the development of afforested Holm oak, Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp., in an abandoned agricultural field in SE Spain. A total of nine post-planting treatments were carried out: tilling spring and autumn in different years, spreading of organic and inorganic mulch, irrigation in different periods. Soil preparation prior to planting consisted of digging of a hole with a backhoe excavator of 80 HP and homogenized the profile characteristics. Survival, nutrient concentrations in both leaves and soil, and foliage surface have been studied. Dryseason irrigation every 2 weeks provided the best survival rate (98.3%), while mulching with solid urban wastes caused the worst results (6.6%). The supply of forest debris increased the N, K, and Mn concentrations at all depths with respect to the other treatments, and the solid urban waste had the same effect in N, P, K, Na, Cu, Fe, and Zn. All the foliar nutrients decreased in 2005 with respect to the 2004 sampling, except in N, Cu, and Zn. The use of foliar nutrient concentrations, together with the increase in leaf surface is proposed as a non-destructive index of development and of forestation stands in the first stages of growth. The application of forest debris, and particularly the placement of boulders in the beds of individual trees proved most effective in sapling development.