Déprédation des glands de chêne liège par les insectes et possibilités de germination et de croissance des semis

TitleDéprédation des glands de chêne liège par les insectes et possibilités de germination et de croissance des semis
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsBOUCHAOUR-DJABEUR, S., BENABDELI K., Bejamaa M. Lahbib, & Stiti B.
Pagination69 - 80
Date Published2011///
Keywordsaspects of the acorns, Growth, infest by the insects, period of harvest, Quercus suber L., resistance

Depredation of the acorns cork oak by the insects and its impact on the potential of germination and seedling growth were studied in a mountain cork oak forest in northwestern Algerian. The rate of pre-germinated acorns on the ground is higher than for other acorns. The weight is the most distinctive variable for all the acorns; whatever their condition and provenance, it varies significantly from 0.76 to 6.76 g. Regarding the damage to acorns, statistical tests show no significant difference in the length and weight, it is not very significant for the width.The infestation of acorns is independent of their size. The acorns attacked by beetles are clearly dominant (72%) compared with those attacked by moths (28%). 20% severely damaged acorns germinate and produce viable seedlings. But the germination rate decreases with the increase of injuries. Growth is strongly affected by the rate of damage to acorns. One therefore concludes that a major attack in the cotyledons certainly does not act on germination, but can affect the strength of the resulting plant and its survival.