The ecology of an endemic and rare species with a fragmented distribution: Cyclamen balearlcum Willk in France

TitleThe ecology of an endemic and rare species with a fragmented distribution: Cyclamen balearlcum Willk in France
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsDebussche, M., Grandjanny M., Debussche G., & Affre L.
Pagination65 - 84
Date Published1996///
Keywordscyclamen balearicum Willk, ecology, endemic species France, habitat specificity, Mediterranean Region, rare species

The ecology of rare species is largely unknown. Though informations on the ecology of these species, as well as on their biological traits and genetics, are necessary to achieve their conservation. Ecology of Cyclamen balearicum Willk. in France was studied by analysing a set of 40 phyto-ecological releves. This late successional species grows in France under a mediterranean climate, in shaded situations, in sites characterized by moderate to copious precipitations (650 to 1800 mm per year) and frosts occurring each year commonly (mean of the minima of the coldest month from - 0,7 degrees C to + 0,7 degrees C), steep relief and north aspect, stony calcareous soils with blocks, important cover of evergreen woody plants, small number of therophytes, very Low human impact. Quercus ilex L. and Buxus sempervirens L. are very often the dominant tree and shrub species In these sites. Two kinds of habitat were distinguished. They mainly differ on geomorphological features, vegetation height and floristic composition. Ecological patterns were discussed in relation with decisive factors such as shade, frost and drainage, and human impacts. The farm or rarity showed by the species in France was discussed according to the criteria proposed by Rabinowitz. As numerous endemic species with narrow distribution, Cyclamen balearicum Willk. has in France a restricted habitat, but where it grows it is sometimes abundant.