Estudio comparativo de morfología en planta de encina cultivada en distintos envases comerciales

TitleEstudio comparativo de morfología en planta de encina cultivada en distintos envases comerciales
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1997
Conference NameII Congreso Forestal Español
Date Published1997///
KeywordsContainers, Holm oak, Nursery, Plant production

The aim of the present work is to analize the morfological diferences and its caracterization depending on the container used in nursery production of one year holm oak plants. Six different types of containers -those suitable to be bought in the area were the experiment has taken place- has been used for it. It has been stablished the greatest posible homogeneity in other parameters which influence could have been important such as seeds - which procedence is known-, cultivation media, watering, and microclimate -in greenhouse first and nursery later-. Results for sorne of the factors studied are shown.