Social amoebae: environmental factors influencing their distribution and diversity across south-western Europe.

TitleSocial amoebae: environmental factors influencing their distribution and diversity across south-western Europe.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsRomeralo, M., Moya-Laraño J., & Lado C.
JournalMicrobial ecology
ISBN Number0024801097
Accession Number20614116
KeywordsBiodiversity, Biological, Dictyosteliida, Dictyosteliida: classification, Dictyosteliida: genetics, Dictyosteliida: isolation & purification, Dictyosteliida: physiology, Ecosystem, Models, Portugal, Soil, Soil: parasitology, SPAIN (citation)

The social amoebae (dictyostelids) are the only truly multicellular lineage within the superkingdom Amoebozoa, the sister group to Ophistokonts (Metazoa+Fungi). Despite the exceptional phylogenetic and evolutionary value of this taxon, the environmental factors that determine their distribution and diversity are largely unknown. We have applied statistical modeling to a set of data obtained from an extensive and detailed survey in the south-western of Europe (The Iberian Peninsula including Spain and Portugal) in order to estimate some of the main environmental factors influencing the distribution and diversity of dictyostelid in temperate climates. It is the first time that this methodology is applied to the study of this unique group of soil microorganisms. Our results show that a combination of climatic (temperature, water availability), physical (pH) and vegetation (species richness) factors favor dictyostelid species richness. In the Iberian Peninsula, dictyostelid diversity is highest in colder and wet environments, indicating that this group has likely diversified in relatively cold places with high levels of water availability.