Water relations of six sclerophylls growing near Trieste (Northeastern Italy): has sclerophylly a univocal functional significance?

TitleWater relations of six sclerophylls growing near Trieste (Northeastern Italy): has sclerophylly a univocal functional significance?
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsNardini, A., Gullo M. Assunta Lo, & Tracanelli S.
JournalGiornale botanico italiano
Keywordsdrought tolerance (PG), sclerophylls, water relations

Abstract The annual time course of the water relations of six sclerophylls has been studied with the aim of: a) defining strategies adopted for withstanding summer water stress and b) to check whether their common sclerophyllous habitus could represent a case of convergent evolution devoted to a univocal functional role. In particular, Phillyrea latifolia L. showed to behave like a drought tolerant as indicated by deep summer drop in leaf water potential (?1) to near the full turgor loss point (?lp) and in leaf relative water content (RWC) as caused by xylem cavitation. Prunus laurocerasus L. and Laurus nobilis L. showed to be drought avoiding water spenders in that their ?1 dropped in summer causing prompt recovery in RWC. This was made possible by low cavitation in their twigs. Ilex aquifolium L. was a typical drought avoiding water saver in that both ?1 and RWC remained at very high levels throughout the year. Quercus ilex L. behaved like a drought avoiding water spender which switched to drought tolerance in the warmest period of the year. This was explained by its high vulnerability to cavitation. The extreme heterogeneity of the six species studied suggested that sclerophylly cannot be interpreted as an anatomical feature leading to a specific and unifying functional role, at least as regards drought resistance.