Biochemical diversity and systematics of Mediterranean evergreen oak from South East France

TitleBiochemical diversity and systematics of Mediterranean evergreen oak from South East France
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsRafii, Z. A., Dodd R. S., & Pelleau Y.
JournalBiochemical Systematics and Ecology
Keywordsacorns, chemosystematics, fatty acids, organic inorganic constituents, Quercus ilex L., Quercus rotundifolia Lamk. Fagaceae, steroids

Fatty acids, steroids and inorganic and organic constituents of acorns of French Mediterranean evergreen oak (70 trees from five ecogeographically contrasting locations) were analyzed, and compared with Italian and Spanish oak. French populations were heterogeneous and, for most characters, were intermediate between Spanish and Italian oak, suggesting this to be a zone of hybridization and introgression between Quercus ilex L. and Q. rotundifolia Lamk. The population from Les Maures showed a closer affinity morphologically and chemically to Italian oak suggesting the presence of Q. ilex at this locality.