Plant neighbour identity matters to belowground interactions under controlled conditions.

TitlePlant neighbour identity matters to belowground interactions under controlled conditions.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsArmas, C., & Pugnaire F. Ignacio
JournalPloS one
Date Published2011///
Keywordsbiomass, citation, Ecosystem, Environment, Plant Development, Plant Roots, Plant Roots: growth & development, Species Specificity

Root competition is an almost ubiquitous feature of plant communities with profound effects on their structure and composition. Far beyond the traditional view that plants interact mainly through resource depletion (exploitation competition), roots are known to be able to interact with their environment using a large variety of mechanisms that may inhibit or enhance access of other roots to the resource or affect plant growth (contest interactions). However, an extensive analysis on how these contest root interactions may affect species interaction abilities is almost lacking.